Acronym | Definition |
EST | Eastern Standard Time (GMT-0500) |
EST | Established |
EST | Estimated |
EST | Estimate |
EST | Environmentally Sustainable Transport |
EST | Erhard Seminar Training (Werner Erhard) |
EST | Energy Saving Trust (UK) |
EST | Estimation |
EST | Estimated Value (used in auctions) |
EST | Estonia |
EST | Estonian (language) |
EST | Estates |
EST | Esther |
EST | Expressed Sequence Tag |
EST | Espérance Sportive de Tunis (Tunisian sports club) |
EST | Engineering, Sciences and Technology (various organizations) |
EST | Enseignement Secondaire Technique (French: Technical Secondary Education) |
EST | École Supérieure des Transports (French: Higher School of Transport) |
EST | Electronic Systems Technician (job title) |
EST | Everyone Stand Together (lyric) |
EST | Everyone Stand Together (Machine Gun Kelly lyric) |
EST | Ensemble Studio Theatre (various locations) |
EST | Environmental Science and Technology |
EST | Electronic Shipping Tools (Canada Post) |
EST | Earliest Start Time |
EST | Escola Superior de Tecnologia (Portugal) |
EST | Empirically Supported Treatment (psychotherapy) |
EST | École Secondaire et Technique (French: Secondary and Technical School) |
EST | Enterprise Support Technician (Microsoft) |
EST | Education Support Team (various locations) |
EST | Electronic Systems Technologies (various schools) |
EST | Environmentally Sound Technologies |
EST | Economic Secretary to the Treasury (UK) |
EST | Electrical Switch Torque |
EST | Electronic Shift Technology |
EST | Europe Standard Time |
EST | Eastern Standard Time |
EST | Esbjörn Svensson Trio (Sweden) |
EST | Electroshock Therapy |
EST | Enterprise Software Technology |
EST | Evangelical School of Theology (various locations) |
EST | English for Science and Technology (various schools) |
EST | Energy Saving Technology |
EST | Electronic Sell-Through |
EST | Electrical Safety Testing |
EST | Engagement Skills Trainer |
EST | Emergency Support Team |
EST | Ecologically Sustainable Tourism |
EST | Exercise Stress Test (aka treadmill test) |
EST | Employee Share Trust |
EST | European Society for Translation Studies |
EST | Executive Steering Committee |
EST | Electronic Spark Timing (GM) |
EST | Encefalopatie Spongiformi Trasmissibili (Italian: Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy) |
EST | Exercise Study (EU, UN) |
EST | Emergency Services Team |
EST | Endoscopic Sphincterotomy |
EST | Estimated Starting Time |
EST | Electrical Safety Test (band) |
EST | English Study Tours (UK) |
EST | Elevated Storage Tank |
EST | Enterprise Search Text (software) |
EST | Environmentally Superior Technology |
EST | Emitter Switched Thyristor |
EST | Edge Seal Technologies (est. 1987; Ohio) |
EST | Edwards Systems Technologies (GE Security) |
EST | Electronic Signal Therapy (neuropathy) |
EST | Evaluation Summary Table |
EST | Enlisted Specialty Training |
EST | Essential Subjects Training |
EST | Equal Spin Temperature |
EST | Equipment Status Telemetry |
EST | Enfermedad Sexualmente Transmisible (Spanish: sexually transmitted disease) |
EST | Enlisted Screening Test |
EST | Educational School Tours, Inc. |
EST | Electronic Security Tactical (US military) |
EST | Engineering Screening Team |
EST | Enroute Support Team |
EST | Environmental System Test |
EST | Evolutionary Structural Testing |
EST | Electronic Shelf Tag |