Acronym | Definition |
FAR | Federal Acquisition Regulation |
FAR | Florida Association of Realtors |
FAR | Function(al) Area Requirement |
FAR | Fargo (Amtrak station code; Fargo, ND) |
FAR | Farsi (language) |
FAR | Federal Aviation Regulation |
FAR | Floor Area Ratio |
FAR | Find and Replace (software) |
FAR | False Acceptance Rate (biometrics) |
FAR | Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias (Spanish: Revolutionary Armed Forces; Argentina) |
FAR | Free After Rebate |
FAR | File Archiver |
FAR | False Alarm Rate |
FAR | Forum Alpine Renault (France) |
FAR | Fondazione Antonio Ratti (Italian: Antonio Ratti Foundation) |
FAR | Fernie Alpine Resort (Canada) |
FAR | Financially at Risk |
FAR | Faculty Annual Report (various schools) |
FAR | Faculty Athletics Representative (various universities) |
FAR | Federal Acquisition Regulations |
FAR | Failure Analysis Report |
FAR | False Acceptance Rate |
FAR | Forces Armees Rwandaises (Armed Forces of Rwanda) |
FAR | Forces Armees Royales (Maroc-Morocco-Al maghrib) |
FAR | Fatal Accident Rate |
FAR | Financial Accounting & Reporting |
FAR | First Ancestral Race (Evangelion) |
FAR | Fuel-to-Air Ratio |
FAR | False Alarm Ratio (weather forecasting) |
FAR | Fixed Asset Register |
FAR | Failure Analysis Request |
FAR | Fighter-Attack-Reconnaissance |
FAR | Firm Access Rights (California) |
FAR | Force d'Action Rapide (French: Rapid Action Force) |
FAR | Faculty Activity Report (various universities) |
FAR | Fonds Audiovisuel de Recherche (French: Audiovisual Fund Research) |
FAR | Federal Air Regulation |
FAR | Final Acceptance Review (space travel) |
FAR | Failure Analysis Report (seimconductors) |
FAR | Farandole Composer (digital music file format) |
FAR | Fiches d'Aide au Repérage (French: Assistance Identification Cards; cancer) |
FAR | Foundation for Amateur Radio |
FAR | Fellowship for African Relief (Khartoum, Sudan) |
FAR | Fully Articulated Rotor |
FAR | Federation Action for the Republic (Chad) |
FAR | First Article Report |
FAR | Form'action André Renard (French: André Renard Association; Belgium) |
FAR | Flight Acceptance Review |
FAR | Faculty Awards for Research |
FAR | Frequency Agile Radar |
FAR | Friends of Amateur Rocketry, Inc. (Long Beach, CA) |
FAR | Feasibility Assessment Report |
FAR | Fixed Asset Ratio |
FAR | Fédération des Associations Régionales (French: Federation of Regional Associations) |
FAR | Fixed Alternative Routing |
FAR | Fixed Annual Remuneration |
FAR | Fédération des Radios Associatives de la Réunion (French: Associatve Federation of Radio Reunion) |
FAR | Face-Aware Routing |
FAR | Forces pour l'Action Republicaine (Comoros) |
FAR | Facility Request Message |
FAR | Fargo, ND, USA - Hector Airport (Airport Code) |
FAR | Field Alert Report |
FAR | Functional Analysis Review |
FAR | Forum Africain pour la Reconstruction (political party, Gabon) |
FAR | Ferme Autogérée de la Roya (French farming collective) |
FAR | Formateur Associé Référent (French: Associate Referee Trainer) |
FAR | Fixed Array Radar |
FAR | Fuerzas de Accion Rapida (Spanish Military Special Forces) |
FAR | First Article Review |
FAR | Functional Area Representative (CMMI Assessment) |
FAR | fixed annual reward |
FAR | Forward Acquisition Radar |
FAR | Fund for Armenian Relief, Inc. (New York, NY) |
FAR | Field Assessment Review |
FAR | Field Action Request |
FAR | Foundation for Alcoholism Research |
FAR | Flat-Assed Rules |
FAR | Financial Accuracy Rate |
FAR | Frequency Adjunct Radar |
FAR | Flandres Auto Rétro (French automobile club) |
FAR | Fabbrica Avvolgibili Roma (Italian) |
FAR | File Attribute Record |
FAR | Future Attack Rotorcraft |
FAR | Fisheries and Aquaculture Research Program |
FAR | Filter, Air Replaceable |
FAR | Fleet Anomaly Report (Tomahawk) |
FAR | Full Attention Rating |
FAR | Funding Acquisition Request |
FAR | Fund Availability Report |
FAR | Federal Acquisition Review/Report |
FAR | Fixed Asset Request |
FAR | Fond d'Aide Rapide (French: Urgent Help Fund; est. 1998) |
FAR | Fun, Arts, Recreation (Birmingham, MI) |