FICRFederazione Italiana Cronometristi (Italian Timekeepers Federation)
FICRFish Crow (Corvus ossifragus)
FICRFederation Internationale de la Croix-Rouge (French)
FICRFriends International Center in Ramallah
FICRFibre Crops
FICRFederal Interagency Chemistry Representatives
FICRFederal Indirect Cost Reimbursement
FICRFinancial Inventory Control Report
FICRFinancial Claims and Reimbursement
FICRFederal Indirect Cost Recovery
FICRFinal Current Ranges
FICRFellow of the Institute of Clinical Research (UK)
FICRFinancial Integration Consulting and Research, Inc. (Taiwan)
FICRFederal Interstate Case Reconciliation
FICRFoundation for Inter-Community Relations (India)
FICRFederal Indirect Cost Rate