Acronym | Definition |
FSE | Fonds Social Européen |
FSE | Fondo Sociale Europeo (Italy) |
FSE | Fast Software Encryption |
FSE | Field Service Engineer(Ing) |
FSE | Foyer Socio-Éducatif (French: Socio-Educational Household) |
FSE | Frankfurt Stock Exchange (Germany) |
FSE | Foundations of Software Engineering |
FSE | Field Sales Engineer (Intel) |
FSE | Feline Spongiform Encephalopathy |
FSE | Forefront Security for Exchange Server (Microsoft) |
FSE | Field Support Engineer |
FSE | Full Screen Editor |
FSE | File System Extender |
FSE | Face Sensing Engine |
FSE | Fetal Scalp Electrode |
FSE | Fast-Spin Echo |
FSE | Financial Services Exchange (various locations) |
FSE | Faculty of Science & Engineering (various universities) |
FSE | Fire Safety Engineering |
FSE | Fire Support Element |
FSE | Feuilles de Soins Électroniques (French: Electronic Care Sheets; healthcare) |
FSE | Federation Syndicale Etudiante (French: Student Union Federation) |
FSE | Full Scale Exercise |
FSE | Field Systems Engineer (various companies) |
FSE | Fremont Street Experience (Las Vegas) |
FSE | Face Sensing Engine (software) |
FSE | Food Service Equipment |
FSE | Folsom Street East (New York, NY) |
FSE | Field Support Equipment |
FSE | From Somewhere Else |
FSE | Field Software Engineer (various locations) |
FSE | Flight Support Equipment |
FSE | Flight Simulation Engineer (US NASA) |
FSE | Fujitsu Systems Europe |
FSE | Field Service Evaluation |
FSE | Fédération du Scoutisme Européen |
FSE | File System Extender (software) |
FSE | File System Emulation |
FSE | Fornecimentos E Serviços Externos (Portuguese: Supplies and External Services) |
FSE | Federation of Screenwriters in Europe |
FSE | Fukuoka Stock Exchange |
FSE | Florida Schools of Excellence |
FSE | Fractionally Spaced Equalizers |
FSE | Field Sanitation Equipment (US DoD) |
FSE | Full Service Equivalent (various organizations) |
FSE | Fuji Seal Europe |
FSE | Flying Station Engineer |
FSE | Fourth Shift Edition (software) |
FSE | Flying Scheduling Effectiveness (avionics; US Air Force) |
FSE | Focal Symmetrical Encephalomalacia (sheep enterotoxemia) |
FSE | Four Stroke Engine |
FSE | Forward Security Element |
FSE | Factory Support Equipment |
FSE | Fundación Shakespeare de España (Spain) |
FSE | Foreign Service Employee |
FSE | Flight Systems Engineering |
FSE | Facility Systems Engineer |
FSE | Fleet Supportability Evaluation |
FSE | Finite State Encoder |
FSE | Facility/Fire Support Element |
FSE | Functional Support Element |
FSE | Funso Social Europeu (Portugal) |
FSE | Fixed, Scientific, Engineering (calculator function) |
FSE | Follow Ship Evaluation |
FSE | Febrile Seizure Epilepticus |