FGIFree Government Information
FGIFintech Global Incorporated
FGIFinished Goods Inventory
FGIFashion Group International, Inc
FGIFormation Générale Initiale (French: Initial General Education)
FGIFederazione Ginnastica d'Italia (Italian Gymnastics Federation)
FGIFocus Group Interview
FGIForeign Government Information
FGIForget It
FGIFiber Glass Industries, Inc. (Amsterdam, NY)
FGIFrench, German and Italian (languages)
FGIFukada Geological Institute (Japan)
FGIFaunus Group International, Inc. (New York)
FGIFrance Gestion Immobilière (French: France Property Management)
FGIFacility Guidelines Institute
FGIFormation Générale Informatique (French: General Computer Training)
FGIFireGiants Incorporated
FGIFake Good Idea
FGIFaldo Golf Institute (Orlando, FL)
FGIFiscaal Geruisloos Inbrengen (Dutch: Tax Silent Insertion)
FGIFunctional Group Interconversions
FGIFabricated Geomembrane Institute (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Urbana, IL)
FGIForest Garden Initiative
FGIFeel Good Incorporation (Gorillaz song)
FGIFrequency Guard Interval
FGIFamily Guidance, Inc. (Pennsylvania)
FGIFountainhead Group Inc (New York Mills, NY)
FGIFederation of German Industry
FGIFamily Gamers International