Acronym | Definition |
FSEC | Florida Solar Energy Center |
FSEC | Fire Service Emergency Cover (UK Office of the Deputy Prime Minister Fire Safety - Risk Assessment toolkit) |
FSEC | Fédération Suisse d'Elevage Caprin (French: Swiss Federation of Goat Rearing; Switzerland) |
FSEC | Faculty Senate Executive Committee (various schools) |
FSEC | Fédération Sportive de l'Enseignement de la Communauté Française (French sports federation; Belgium) |
FSEC | Fire Security Electronics & Communications, Inc. (Arizona) |
FSEC | Fondation Spéciale et Construction (French construction company) |
FSEC | Federal Specifications Executive Committee (US Navy) |
FSEC | Foyer Socio Éducatif et Coopératif (French education association) |
FSEC | Federal Software Exchange Center |
FSEC | Florida Schools of Excellence Commission |