EREmergency Room
EREarned Runs (baseball; pitching)
EREntity Relationship
EREnergy Research
EREmployer (IRB)
EREmergency Response
EROffice of Energy Research
EREstrogen Receptor
ERExtended Range (C-17 acquisition program)
ERExtended Range
EREnterprise Resource Planning
EREarly Release
EREvent Registration
EREastern Region
EREducational Research
EREmployment Relations
EREmployee Relations
EREasy Rider (movie)
ERExternal Relations
EREvaluation Report
EREarly Retirement
EREnvironmental Restoration
ERElectromagnetic Radiation (energy)
EREnvironmental Report
EREntre Rios (Argentina Province, airline code)
EREmission Reduction (environment)
ERElectronic Records
EREquipment Required
EREarth Resources
EREndoplasmic Reticulum
ERExtensive Reading
EREvent Rate
EREnergy Rating
EREleanor Rigby (Beatles song)
EREye Relief (optics)
EREquipment Room
EREscape Route
ERExpense Ratio
EREcosystem Restoration
EREducational Researcher (journal)
EREvidence Rule
EREmployee Retention
EREpic Records (record label)
ERExceptional Release (mission capable aircraft)
EREnfermedad Rara (Spanish: Rare Disease)
EREcological Reserve
ERElectron Reflectometer
ERElectrical Resistivity
ERExcerpts of Record (legal documents)
EREastern Railway
ERExternal Rotation
EREvolutionary Robotics
ERExpenditure Request (various organizations)
EREmotional Rescue (Rolling Stones album)
ERExpense Report
EREvening Reading (Shacknews)
ERElektra Records (record label)
EREmployer's Requirements
EREnergy Resolution
EREnhancement Request
EREngineering Report
EREarnings Record
ERExchange Ratio
ERExplicit Routing
ERExplicit Rate (networking)
EREstablished Record
ERExpanded Response
EREnergy Regulator
EREnterprise Requirements
EREnhanced Radiation
EREngineer Regulation
EREfficiency Review
EREstablished Reliability (C-17 acquisition program)
ERExternal Resistance
EREmployee Request
EREquilibrium Reactions
EREngineering Release
ERElectronic Reconnaissance
EREfficient Review
ERExtracellular Release
EREphemeral Region
ERElectricity Report
EREcho Ranging
EREnantiomeric Ratio (chemistry)
ERElectoral Region (UK)
EREngineering Request
EREstimate of Repair
ERDHL Airways, Inc (IATA airline code)
EREnhancement Report
EREuro Repuestos SA (Guatemala)
EREffective Roughness
EREternal Rage (Call of Duty gaming clan)
ERExecutive Registrar
EREquipment Requisition
ERExtracting Roots
ERElizabetha Regina (Queen Elizabeth)
ERError Recorder
EREnd Transaction and Retrieve
ERElectronic Requirement
ERElite Regions (Ominix gaming)
ERExploitation Requirement
EREnceinte Réacteur (French: Reactor Chamber)
ERElectrolytic/Electrochemical Refining