ERAEarned Run Average
ERAEqual Rights Amendment
ERAElectronic Research Administration
ERAElectronic Retailing Association
ERAEqual Rights Advocates
ERAEcological Risk Assessment
ERAEnergy Resources of Australia
ERAEuropean Research Area
ERAEducational Research Association (various locations)
ERAElectronics Representatives Association
ERAEnvironmental Risk Assessment
ERAElectronic Remittance Advice (health insurance)
ERAElectronic Records Archive (NARA)
ERAEuropean Renal Association
ERAESET Remote Administrator (software)
ERAExcellence in Research for Australia
ERAExpense Reduction Analysts
ERAExtended Range Artillery
ERAEffective Resource Allocation
ERAEuropean Railway Agency
ERAEmerging Research Area
ERAEarly Rheumatoid Arthritis
ERAExplosive Reactive Armor
ERAEmployment Relations Act (various organizations)
ERAEdinburgh Research Archive (Scotland, UK)
ERAEconomic Research Analysis
ERAEnterprise Reference Architecture (software)
ERAEnvironment Related Activities
ERAEducation Reform Act (1998)
ERAEvoked Response Audiometry
ERAEuropäische Rechtsakademie Trier (German: Academy of European Law Trier; Trier, Germany)
ERAEuropean Robotic Arm
ERAEuropean Regions Airline Association
ERAEn-Route Alternate (aviation)
ERAEuropean Rotogravure Association
ERAEnvironmentally Relevant Activity
ERAEducational Research Abstracts
ERAEnglish Racing Automobiles
ERAEmbedded Remote Access
ERAEntity Relation Attribute
ERAEthics Risk Assessment (software)
ERAElectronic Research Announcements (journal)
ERAEstonian Road Administration
ERAElderly Rental Assistance (Oregon)
ERAEntity Relationship Attribute (model)
ERAEconomics Research Associates (California)
ERAEngineering Research Associates
ERAEconomic Regulation Authority (Australia)
ERAEuropean Ramblers Association
ERAExpedited Response Action
ERAEuropean Regional Airlines Association
ERAExtended Range Ammunition
ERAEmergency Roadside Assistance
ERAEnergy Reorganization Act of 1974
ERAElectrical Response Audiometry
ERAEsperanto Radikala Asocio (Italian)
ERAEarly Retirement Age (pension benefit calculations)
ERAElectronic Realty Associates
ERAEuropean Recovery Act
ERAEnglish Racing Automobiles (UK)
ERAEuropean Radon Association
ERAEmbedded Remote Access (Dell Computer Corporation)
ERAEngine Room Artificer (Royal Navy)
ERAEconomic Regulatory Administration
ERAExcitatory Response Area
ERAEnvironnement-Recherche-Action (French: Environment-Action Research; Cameroon)
ERAElectrical Research Association (UK)
ERAEducation Recording Agency (licensing scheme; intellectual property; UK)
ERAEnvironmental Restoration Account (cleanup funds)
ERAEmployee Reimbursement Account
ERAEigensystem Realization Algorithm
ERAEuropean Radio Awards
ERAEnergy Research Abstracts
ERAÉtudes & Recherches en Archéologie (French: Studies & Research in Archaeology)
ERAEnvironnement de Réseaux Autonomes (French: Autonomous Networks Environment)
ERAElder Rights Association (various locations)
ERAEndothelin-Receptor Agonist (hypertension treatment)
ERAEconomic Regulatory Agency
ERAExtended Registry Attribute
ERAEnvironmental Research Applications
ERAExabiology and Radiation Assembly (European Space Agency experiment)
ERAElectric Railroaders' Association, Inc
ERAEntity-Relationship Analysis
ERAElectronics Recycling Association (Canada)
ERAEconomic Recovery Assistance
ERAEndurance Riders of Alberta
ERAElectronic Rothamsted Archive
ERAElectrically Reconfigurable Array
ERAEvent Recording Automata
ERAEngine Room Assistant
ERAEverglades Restoration Act
ERAEmergency Reserve Account
ERAEmployee Riders Association (of the Harley-Davidson Motor Company)
ERAEstimated Relative Abundances
ERAEgyptians Relief Association (Burke, VA)
ERAEnglish Regional Associations
ERAExpedited Removal Action
ERAExecutive Recruitment Association
ERAExtra Regimental Assignment
ERAExtended Range ASROC
ERAe-Research Australasia
ERAEndothelium-Receptor Antagonist
ERAExecution Review Account
ERAEvent Relations Analyzer