FIPCFestival International de la Photographie Culinaire (French: International Festival of Culinary Photography)
FIPCForeign Investment Promotion Center (Russia)
FIPCForeign Investment Promotion Council (India)
FIPCFederal Investigations Processing Center (security clearances, Office of Personnel Management)
FIPCFrench Intellectual Property Code
FIPCFédération Internationale des Pharmaciens Catholiques (French: International Federation of Catholic Pharmacists)
FIPCForest Independent Primary Collegiate (UK)
FIPCFédération Interamicale des Pronostiqueurs Cyclistes (French cycling federation)
FIPCFinancial Information Processing Center
FIPCFoederatio Internationalis Pueri Cantores (International Federation of Pueri Cantores)
FIPCForeign Intelligence Priorities Committee
FIPCFuel Injection Pump Controller
FIPCFellow of the Institute of Production Control (UK)
FIPCFast Interprocess Communication (Cisco)