Acronym | Definition |
DWC | Dubai World Central (United Arab Emirates) |
DWC | Division of Workers Compensation (California) |
DWC | Daniel Webster College |
DWC | Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston (West Virginia) |
DWC | Dubai Women's College (Dubai, United Arab Emirates) |
DWC | Deep Water Culture (hydroponics) |
DWC | Division of Wildlife Conservation (Alaska) |
DWC | Datacooler Water Cooling |
DWC | Digital Web Camera |
DWC | Data Warehouse Center |
DWC | Desert Warrior Challenge (Dubai, United Arab Emirates) |
DWC | Drilling-with-Casing (petroleum; various companies) |
DWC | Deal with Caution |
DWC | Divine Word College |
DWC | Destiny Worship Center (various locations) |
DWC | Development West Coast (New Zealand) |
DWC | Daily Water Consumption (statistic) |
DWC | Democratic Workers Congress (Sri Lanka; est. 1956) |
DWC | Doctor Who Confidential (TV series) |
DWC | Department of Workers Compensation |
DWC | Drinking Water Committee (United States) |
DWC | Disciplinary Wives Club |
DWC | Digital Wireless Communications |
DWC | Developpement Web Challenge (website design company; Tunisia) |
DWC | District Wide Committee (various organizations) |
DWC | Driving While Canine |
DWC | Drinking Water Consumption (environment) |
DWC | Discounted Warranty Cost |
DWC | Domestic Warning Center |
DWC | Diseño Web Chile (Web Design Consortium of Chile) |
DWC | Doctor Who Club |
DWC | Distributed Warfighting Center |
DWC | Department Whitley Council (United Kingdom) |
DWC | Development Works Canada |
DWC | Delhi Wine Club (India) |
DWC | Doctor Who Chat |
DWC | Dorothy Winstone Centre (New Zealand) |
DWC | Department Watch Chief |
DWC | Designware Core (Synopsys Inc.) |
DWC | Diamond Wholesale Corporation Inc |
DWC | Dakota Web Composers (Webster, SD and Maddock, ND) |
DWC | Dude With Car |
DWC | Daily Working Capital |