Acronym | Definition |
EEL | Editorial Engineering Laboratory (est. 1987) |
EEL | Épreuves pour l'Examen du Langage (French: Tests for the Language Examination) |
EEL | Engineering Electronic Library |
EEL | Epsilon Extension Language |
EEL | External Elastic Lamina |
EEL | Équipements Électriques Lorrains (French electrical equipment company) |
EEL | Energy Efficiency Labelling |
EEL | Electron Energy Loss |
EEL | Equator Exploration Ltd (UK) |
EEL | Executable Editing Library |
EEL | European Economics Letters (journal; European Economics Letters Group) |
EEL | Exxon Energy Limited |
EEL | Expert/Expert-Locator |
EEL | Early Edition Lover |
EEL | Employee Engagement Lifecycle (SAP) |
EEL | Enhanced Extended Loop/Link (ILEC to CLEC arrangements) |
EEL | Each and Every Loss (insurance/reinsurance) |