Acronym | Definition |
ESCS | Electronic Stability Control System (vehicle handling technology) |
ESCS | Electronic Supply Chain Solutions (Florida) |
ESCS | Early Social Communication Scales |
ESCS | European Coal and Steel Community |
ESCS | Escola Superior de Comunicação Social (Portugal) |
ESCS | Entreprise de Soudure Chauffage Sanitaire (French: Heating Sanitary Welding Company) |
ESCS | East Somerville Community School (Somerville, MA) |
ESCS | Enhanced S-Cone Syndrome |
ESCS | English School of Communication Skills (Poland) |
ESCS | Electronic Security Control System (Bridgeport, CT) |
ESCS | Emergency Satellite Communications System |
ESCS | Enterprise Strategy Control Structure |
ESCS | Executive Search & Consulting Services (California) |