Acronym | Definition |
ENT | Ear, Nose & Throat |
ENT | Entertainment |
ENT | Enterprise |
ENT | ERA (European Research Area)-Net Transport (est. 2004; Germany) |
ENT | Entry |
ENT | Entrance |
ENT | Enterprise (Star Trek) |
ENT | Entomology (code) |
ENT | Espace Numérique de Travail (French: Digital Work Space) |
ENT | Environnement Numérique de Travail (French: Digital Work Environment) |
ENT | Electrical Nonmetallic Tubing (also seen as ENMT) |
ENT | Enterobactin |
ENT | Education with New Technologies (Harvard University) |
ENT | East Nottingham Township (Pennsylvania) |
ENT | Enteral Nutrition Therapy (treatment) |
ENT | EGNOS Network Time |
ENT | Earth New Technologies |
ENT | Economic Need Test |
ENT | Enterprise Network Team (IT & telecommunications) |
ENT | Effective Number of Transmissions (metric) |
ENT | End of Nautical Twilight |
ENT | Enterprise Networks and Telecommunications |