Acronym | Definition |
DON | Department Of the Navy |
DON | Donald |
DON | Dead of Night (gaming clans) |
DON | Double or Nothing |
DON | Director Of Nursing |
DON | Department of Navy |
DON | Donnerstag (German: Thursday) |
DON | Determination of Need (various locations) |
DON | Department of Neighborhoods (various locations) |
DON | Deoxynivalenol |
DON | Digital Overlay Network |
DON | Digital Optical Network |
DON | Declaration of Neutrality (Cyber Nations) |
DON | Description of Need |
DON | Delivery Order Number |
DON | Dysbaric Osteonecrosis (biology) |
DON | Document Order Number |
DON | Donation |
DON | Dragons of Norrath (online role-playing game) |
DON | Delo Osobennogo Nablyudeniya (Russian: special surveillance file; KGB slang) |
DON | De Origin Noble (of Noble Origin; title of address) |
DON | Dissolved Organic Nitrogen |