ECRPEuropean Collaborative Research Projects
ECRPÉcole de Conduite du Rond-Point (French: Driving School of the Rond-Point)
ECRPÉvaluation de la Complexité et des Risques des Projets (French: Tool for Assessing the Risk and Complexity of Projects; Treasury Board Secretariat of Canada)
ECRPExceptional Circumstances Relief Payment
ECRPEndoscopic Retrograde Cholangio Pancreatography
ECRPEast Coast Road Productions
ECRPEcosystem Change Research Program
ECRPEmployee Commute Reduction Program
ECRPElectronic Claims Routing Process (health insurance)
ECRPEar-Cap Reference Point (ITU-T)
ECRPEmployer Credit Risk Penalty (pensions, Canada)
ECRPEnterprises Communication and Resource Planning