EMNÉcole des Mines de Nantes (French: French School of Mines Nantes; Nantes, France)
EMNEntretien Maintenance Nettoyage (French cleaning company)
EMNElectronic Mail Notification (Open Mobile Alliance)
EMNEuropean Migration Network (est. 2003)
EMNEspace Moselle Numérique (French: Moselle Digital Space; Moselle, France)
EMNEarly Morning News
EMNÉcole de Musique du Nogentais (French music school)
EMNEquity Market Neutral (investing)
EMNÉcole des Mines de Nancy (French: Nancy School of Mines; Nancy, France)
EMNEurope Méditerranée Nautisme (French: Europe Mediterranean Yachting)
EMNÉcole Nationale de la Magistrature (French National School for the Training of Judges and Prosecutors)
EMNEuropean Motor News (UK)
EMNEnvironmental Markets Network (business environment organization)
EMNEarthLink Municipal Networks
EMNElectromagnetic Noise