Acronym | Definition |
FLD | Field |
FLD | Fielding |
FLD | Faculté Libre de Droit (French: Free Faculty of Law) |
FLD | Faculty Leadership Development (various organizations) |
FLD | Flash Disk |
FLD | Flat Display |
FLD | Field Descriptor |
FLD | Full Locking Differential |
FLD | Fast Lane Daily (online newscast) |
FLD | Fisher Linear Discriminant (computer science) |
FLD | Francis Lavigne Développement (French medical supply company) |
FLD | Frontal Lobe Disorder (brain) |
FLD | Fluid Dynamics |
FLD | Friends of the Lake District (England; caring for the countryside in the Lake District and Cumbria) |
FLD | Forming Limit Diagram |
FLD | Fatty Liver Disease (aka hepatic lipidosis) |
FLD | fluorescence detector |
FLD | Free Lunch Design |
FLD | Fond du Lac, Wisconsin (Airport Code) |
FLD | False Lucid Dream |
FLD | Free Listing Day (sales listing) |
FLD | Front de Libération des Développeurs (French software developer group) |
FLD | Funny Looking Dad |
FLD | Franck Liotard Développement (French automotive parts company) |
FLD | Fleet Lease Disposal |
FLD | Facilitative Listening Design |
FLD | Windowpane Flounder |
FLD | Float Lock Down (finance) |
FLD | Falun Dafa (belief system; aka Falun Gong) |
FLD | Fasciculus Longitudinalis Dorsalis |
FLD | Fault Logic Diagram |
FLD | Full Length Drift (tubing) |
FLD | Faceless Lords of Destruction (gaming clan) |