FLDFaculté Libre de Droit (French: Free Faculty of Law)
FLDFaculty Leadership Development (various organizations)
FLDFlash Disk
FLDFlat Display
FLDField Descriptor
FLDFull Locking Differential
FLDFast Lane Daily (online newscast)
FLDFisher Linear Discriminant (computer science)
FLDFrancis Lavigne Développement (French medical supply company)
FLDFrontal Lobe Disorder (brain)
FLDFluid Dynamics
FLDFriends of the Lake District (England; caring for the countryside in the Lake District and Cumbria)
FLDForming Limit Diagram
FLDFatty Liver Disease (aka hepatic lipidosis)
FLDfluorescence detector
FLDFree Lunch Design
FLDFond du Lac, Wisconsin (Airport Code)
FLDFalse Lucid Dream
FLDFree Listing Day (sales listing)
FLDFront de Libération des Développeurs (French software developer group)
FLDFunny Looking Dad
FLDFranck Liotard Développement (French automotive parts company)
FLDFleet Lease Disposal
FLDFacilitative Listening Design
FLDWindowpane Flounder
FLDFloat Lock Down (finance)
FLDFalun Dafa (belief system; aka Falun Gong)
FLDFasciculus Longitudinalis Dorsalis
FLDFault Logic Diagram
FLDFull Length Drift (tubing)
FLDFaceless Lords of Destruction (gaming clan)