FCJFormula Challenge Japan (racing)
FCJFonds de Conservation Jeunesse (French: Youth Conservation Fund)
FCJFidèles Compagnes de Jésus (French: Faithful Companions of Jesus)
FCJFoyer Culturel des Jeunes (French: Youth Cultural Household)
FCJFootball Club Javerlhacois (French football club)
FCJFranklin County Jail (Chambersburg, PA)
FCJForeign Criminal Jurisdiction
FCJFine Chemical Japan Co., Ltd. (Tokyo, Japan)
FCJFerrari Club Japan (automobile club; est. 1989)
FCJFootball Club Jonquiérois (French football club)
FCJFaithful Companion of Jesus, Sisters (religious order)
FCJFootball Club Juventus
FCJFull Copper Jacket
FCJFine-needle-Catheter Jejunostomy