CALLComputer Assisted Language Learning
CALLCenter for Army Lessons Learned
CALLComputer Aided Language Learning
CALLCanadian Association of Law Libraries
CALLChicago Association of Law Libraries (Chicago, IL)
CALLCommunication Arts, Languages and Literature
CALLCenter for Anglican Learning and Leadership (Church Divinity School of the Pacific; California)
CALLCommunity Access to Lifelong Learning (UK program)
CALLCommunity Association Leadership Lobby
CALLCenter for the Advancement of Language Learning
CALLCanadian Association of Labour Lawyers
CALLCommon Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
CALLCommunauté d'Agglomération Lens Liévin (French: Agglomeration Community of Lens Liévin; Lens, France)
CALLChandler American Little League (Chandler, Arizona)
CALLCitizens Against Local Landfills (New York state)
CALLCatholics for Active Liturgical Life (Lincoln, NE)