Acronym | Definition |
DTP | Desktop Publishing |
DTP | Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis |
DTP | Days to Pay |
DTP | Demokratik Toplum Partisi (Turkish: Democratic Society Party) |
DTP | Direction des Travaux Publics (French: Director of Public Works; various locations) |
DTP | Department of Transport |
DTP | Diphtérie, Tétanos, Poliomyélite (French: Diphtheria, Tetanus, Polio) |
DTP | Developmental Therapeutics Program |
DTP | Digital To (Printing) Plate |
DTP | Dynamic Trunking Protocol |
DTP | Data Transfer Protocol |
DTP | Development Tools Project (Eclipse Foundation) |
DTP | Disturbing Tha Peace (rap group) |
DTP | Driven to Perform (auto show; Canada) |
DTP | Data Transfer Process |
DTP | Digital Textile Printing |
DTP | Disturbing the Peace (band) |
DTP | Distributed Transaction Processing |
DTP | Devin Townsend Project (band) |
DTP | Demokrat Türkiye Partisi (Turkish Democrat Party) |
DTP | Drug Testing Program |
DTP | Ddsn Transfer Process |
DTP | Direct Thermal Paper |
DTP | Document Timeworks Publisher |
DTP | Data Tools Platform |
DTP | Dual Tape Carrier |
DTP | Date and Time Picker |
DTP | Distribution Transaction Processing |
DTP | Direct Thermal Printing |
DTP | Direct-to-Patient (marketing) |
DTP | Disney Theatrical Productions |
DTP | Direct to Pharmacy (supply chain) |
DTP | Dube Tradeport |
DTP | Detailed Test Plan |
DTP | Down to Pound |
DTP | Direction du Transport Public (French: Directorate of Public Transport) |
DTP | Drug Therapy Problem (healthcare) |
DTP | Driver Training Programme (various organizations) |
DTP | Dynamique Terrestre et Planétaire (French: Terrestrial and Planetary Dynamics; research) |
DTP | Duties and Taxes Paid (service; DHL Group) |
DTP | Dansk Tractor Pulling (Denmark) |
DTP | Delaware Technology Park (partnership; Newark, DE) |
DTP | Desktop Procedure |
DTP | Développement Techniques Plastiques (French: Plastic Development Techniques) |
DTP | Downtown Transportation Plan (various locations) |
DTP | Desktop Pipeline (web newsletter) |
DTP | Defense Trade Policy |
DTP | Distal Tingling on Percussion (Tinel's Sign) |
DTP | Dynamic Threat Protection (Internet Security Systems) |
DTP | Davis Tractor Parts (Andalusia, AL) |
DTP | DreamTree Project (New Mexico) |
DTP | Death to Posers (band) |
DTP | Disjunctive Temporal Problem (type of temporal constraint satisfaction problem) |
DTP | Document Transfer Profile |
DTP | Deep-Trench Patterning (electromagnetics) |
DTP | DDSN Transfer Process (Cisco) |
DTP | Directory Tape Processor |
DTP | Distinguished Teaching Professorship |
DTP | Design-To-Price |
DTP | Development Test Plan |
DTP | Daily Traffic Profile |
DTP | Domain-Tip Propagation |
DTP | Demonstrator Test Plan |
DTP | Department for Transportation Payments |
DTP | Developmental Threat Package |
DTP | Direct Trigger Point |
DTP | Directory of Office Telecommunications Policy |
DTP | Defense Technical Plan |
DTP | Distributed Training Program |