Acronym | Definition |
DTR | Data Terminal Ready |
DTR | Down to Ride |
DTR | Data Transmission |
DTR | Disclosure and Transparency Rules (various locations) |
DTR | Down the Road |
DTR | Docker Trusted Registry (computer storage) |
DTR | Data Transfer Rate |
DTR | Desktop Replacement (laptop computer) |
DTR | Defense Transportation Regulation (US DoD 4500.9-R) |
DTR | Direct to Retail (licensing) |
DTR | Dynamic Track Re-Routing |
DTR | Dedicated Token Ring |
DTR | Dynamic Transaction Routing |
DTR | Desktop Replacements |
DTR | Dirt Track Racing |
DTR | Double Treble (crochet stitch; aka Double Triple) |
DTR | Digital TV Recorder |
DTR | Dead to Rights (game) |
DTR | Dulles Toll Road (Virginia) |
DTR | Dietetic Technician, Registered |
DTR | Dedicated Token Ring (software) |
DTR | Define the Relationship |
DTR | Defence Training Review (UK) |
DTR | Diurnal Temperature Range |
DTR | Dynamic Text Replacement |
DTR | Desarrollo Territorial Rural |
DTR | Deep Tendon Reflex |
DTR | Draft Technical Report |
DTR | Digital Tape Recorder |
DTR | Discrete Track Recording |
DTR | Davis Tube Recovery |
DTR | Drive Thru Records (record label) |
DTR | Defence Training Rationalisation (UK) |
DTR | Downtown Radio |
DTR | Daily Time Record |
DTR | Design Time Repository |
DTR | Double Taxation Relief (UK) |
DTR | Dance Therapist Registered |
DTR | Digital Trunked Radio |
DTR | Determine the Relationship |
DTR | Dark Torreador Red (Mercury Marauder paint color) |
DTR | Discuss The Relationship |
DTR | Duty to Report |
DTR | Diversified Target Return (fund) |
DTR | Dave the Resurrector |
DTR | Dental Treatment Room |
DTR | Differential Thermal Relief (valves; various companies) |
DTR | Diesel Truck Resource |
DTR | Detinus Republic (Beyond the Stellar Empire game) |
DTR | Delay, Throughput, Reliability (bits) |
DTR | Detroit Techno Records (music label) |
DTR | Denver Trail Runners |
DTR | Daily Transaction Register |
DTR | Dominion Television Rentals (New Zealand) |
DTR | Detail Transaction Report |
DTR | Discipline That Restores |
DTR | Developmental Test Round |
DTR | DNA Transfer and Replication (biology) |
DTR | Data Transfer Receptacle(s) |
DTR | Digital Terrestrial Radio |
DTR | Dance Therapy Registered |
DTR | Death to the Regime (band) |
DTR | Down the Rail |
DTR | Destroy the Ring |
DTR | Derived Test Requirement |
DTR | Dingerdis Technische Realisatie |
DTR | Days to Remember (band) |
DTR | Double Tree Ranch (Texas) |
DTR | Ditch The Raft (blog) |
DTR | Discrepancy Tracking Report |
DTR | Defense Terrestrial Reactor |
DTR | Detailed Transaction Report |
DTR | Desktop Repeater (rubber band gun) |
DTR | Digital Technology Report |
DTR | Disc and Tape Record |
DTR | Dundee Tunnel Research |
DTR | Data Trending Recorder |
DTR | Dynamic Trunk Reservation |
DTR | Department of Tourism and Recreation (UK) |
DTR | Discover the Ride (electric motorcycles show) |
DTR | Department Technology Representative |
DTR | Division Transfer |
DTR | Department of Transport and the Regions (Edinburgh, Scotland, UK) |
DTR | Demonstration Test Round |
DTR | Direct Tax Referencer (India) |
DTR | Developmental Test Report |
DTR | Daily Task Report |
DTR | Designated Technical Representative |
DTR | Design & Technical Resources Limited (Malta) |
DTR | Development Technical Review (Petro Energy E&P Co., Ltd.) |
DTR | Duramax Tokai Rubber Tennessee Inc. (automotive parts maker) |
DTR | Down to Rage (Internet slang) |
DTR | Duct Tape Repairmen (band) |