FDPFlat Display Panel
FDPFree Democratic Party
FDPFilho da Puta (Portuguese: Son of a Bitch)
FDPFreie Demokratische Partei (German: Free Democratic Party)
FDPFederal Demonstration Partnership
FDPFutbol De Primera (soccer radio broadcasting company)
FDPFixed Dental Prosthesis
FDPFlat Display Prompter
FDPFractal Design Painter
FDPFonds de Développement Pédagogique (French: Educational Development Fund; Belgium)
FDPFibrin Degradation Products
FDPFlight Data Processing (FAA)
FDPFaculty Development Program
FDPFreisinnig - Demokratische Partei der Schweiz (Radical Democratic Party of Switzerland)
FDPFlexor Digitorum Profundus
FDPFamily Dental Plan (Utah)
FDPField Development Plan
FDPForce Directed Placement (algorithm)
FDPFederal Demonstration Project (US FEMA)
FDPFils de Pute (French: Son of a Bitch)
FDPFire Department Connection
FDPForest Development Project (various locations)
FDPFarnesyl Diphosphate
FDPForest Development Plan
FDPForest-Dependent People
FDPFiduciaire du District de Paris (French: Trustee of the District of Paris)
FDPDemocratic and Patriotic Forces (Republic of the Congo)
FDPForecast Demonstration Project (WMO)
FDPFamily Development Program
FDPFighting Dreamers Productions
FDPFlight Duty Period
FDPFender Discussion Page (guitar web forum)
FDPFederation of Deaf People (UK)
FDPFiji Democratic Party
FDPFiber Distribution Panel
FDPFull Day Preschool
FDPFast Drill Process (Exxon Mobil Corp.)
FDPFunded Decommissioning Programme (UK)
FDPFoundry Discovery Protocol (Foundry Networks)
FDPFibrin/Fibrinogen Degradation Product
FDPFlood Damage Prevention (USACE)
FDPFinal Distribution Point
FDPFigli della Divina Provvidenza (Sons of Divine Providence, religious order)
FDPForeign Duty Pay
FDPFluorinel Dissolution Process
FDPFrente Democratico Popular (Peruvian Popular Democratic Front)
FDPFatigue Decreased Proficiency
FDPField Developed Program
FDPFast Digital Processor
FDPFast Delivery Product
FDPForward Distribution Point (formerly Supply Support Activity, SSA)
FDPFunded Delivery Period
FDPForeign Dividend Payment (New Zealand)
FDPForward Director Post
FDPFactory Delivered Price
FDPFuture Data Processors (of DMPA)
FDPFamily Depression Program
FDPFull Dimension Protection
FDPFlight Director Panel
FDPFrequent Diner Program (various companies)
FDPFree Democratic Project (music)
FDPFuel Delivery Pressure
FDPFazers Demand Proof
FDPFractional Delivery of Phosphate
FDPFixed and Dilated Pupil
FDPFabbrica Di Polli (Italian Radio Show)