ETOEthylene Oxide
ETOEuropean Theater Of Operations
ETOEnglish Touring Opera (UK)
ETOEco Transfer Object
ETOEngineering to Order
ETOExtended Text Out
ETOEfforts to Outcomes (Social Solutions software/services)
ETOEndorsed Training Organisation
ETOEarth To Orbit
ETOEarly Termination Option
ETOEuropean Telework Online (telecommuting)
ETOEconomic, Technical or Organisational (employment law; UK)
ETOEarned Time Off
ETOEuropean Telecommunications Office
ETOExercise and Training Officer (US FEMA)
ETOEconomic Trade Office (various locations)
ETOElectronic Trading Opportunities
ETOExchange Traded Option (finance)
ETOElectronics Technology Office (DARPA)
ETOExtended Terminal Option (IBM - IMS software)
ETOEnergy Trust of Oregon, Inc (Portland, OR)
ETOEffects Tasking Order
ETOExchange Tender Offer (Eurotunnel)
ETOEstimated Take-Off
ETOErgenekon Terör Örgütü (Turkish: Ergenekon Terror Organization)
ETOEarth Traverse Outfitters (Knoxville, TN)
ETOElectronic Trial Operations (biotechnology)
ETOExtended Trochanteric Osteotomy (surgical operation)
ETOEustachian Tube Obstruction
ETOEstimated Time of Overflight (air traffic management)
ETOEnterprise Technology Organization
ETOExcise & Taxation Officer (Pakistan)
ETOEmergency Treatment Order
ETOEquity Take Out (mortgages)
ETOExtended Time Observation
ETOElectrical Technical Officer (engineering)
ETOEngineering Technology Office
ETOExpeditionary Theater Opening (US Department of Defense)
ETOExtended Technical Objective
ETOEstimated Time in Operation (aviation)
ETOExpress Transportation Order
ETOExpiration Term of Obligation
ETOEvasion Tactics Order
ETOÉchocardiographie Ttransoesophagienne (French: Transesophageal Echocardiography)
ETOElite Tactical Operations (gaming clan)