ETREstimated Time of Return/Repair
ETRETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute) Technical Report
ETREntreprise de Travaux Routiers (French: Company of Road Works)
ETRÉquipe Technique Régionale (French: Regional Technical Team)
ETRExpected to Be Ready (shipping)
ETRÉtudes Théologiques & Religieuses (French: Religious & Theological Studies)
ETREvents to Remember (various locations)
ETREducation, Training and Research (California)
ETREarly to Rise (health e-zine)
ETREarly Token Release
ETRExternal Throughput Rate
ETRElectronically Tuned Radio
ETRExternal Time Reference
ETREnd of Term
ETREasy to Read
ETREat the Rich
ETREtruscan (linguistics)
ETREffective Tax Rate
ETREstimated Time of Readiness (shipping)
ETRExpress Toll Route
ETRElectron Transport Rate (biochemistry)
ETREducation Training and Rehabilitation
ETREvaluation Team Report (Ohio educational system)
ETREastern Test Range
ETREducation and Training Resources (various locations)
ETRElectronic Toll Road
ETREcological Tax Reform
ETREstimated Time of Resolution (software repairs)
ETREnergize to Run (solenoids)
ETREntreprendre en Territoire Rural (French: Business in Rural Territory)
ETREntreprise Téléphone Robini (French phone company)
ETREarly Token Release (FDDI)
ETREngineering Test Reactor
ETREscape to Reality (various organizations)
ETRExpected Treatment Response (psychotherapy model)
ETRElectronic Time Recorder (clock)
ETREmployer Trip Reduction (commuting cost cut)
ETREssex Terminal Railway
ETRElectronics Technician Radar (US Navy)
ETREnjoy the Ride (travel agency)
ETRÉdition Téléphone Rouge (French: Red Phone Edition)
ETREverything That Rocks
ETREstimated Time of Restoration
ETREnabler Test Requirements (Open Mobile Alliance)
ETRElectronically Tuned Receiver
ETREasy-To-Reach (ITU-T)
ETREmergency Trauma Response
ETREducator's Travel Resource
ETRExport Traffic Release
ETRElectronic Tax Register
ETREmployment & Training Resources
ETRExperimental Type Rating (US FAA)
ETRExternal Timer Reference
ETREstimated Time Remaining
ETRElectronic Target Range (UK)
ETREvaporator Temperature Regulator (air conditioning)
ETRExperimental Test Reactor
ETRExisting to Remain (architectural/design)
ETREngine Transaction Report
ETREnergy Transfer Ratio
ETREmbedded Training Requirements
ETREstimated Total Return
ETRExternal Transfer Rate (Seagate)
ETRExpanded Test Report
ETREngineering Technical Review
ETRExpected to Realize
ETREnergie-Transport-Reaktionsmodell (German: Energy Transport Reaction model)
ETRExtra Testing Rule (reliability testing)
ETREngineering Test Requirements
ETREnergy Trading & Risk
ETRExtended Target Region
ETREquipamento Terminal de Rede (Portuguese)
ETREnd of Tour Report
ETRElectronically Transmitted Return (US IRS)
ETREnhanced Toll Restriction (Teltronics Vision PBX)