Acronym | Definition |
FACR | Feature Activation Counting and Reconciliation |
FACR | Foreign Assets Control Regulation |
FACR | Fonds d'Aide à la Création Radiophonique (French: Radiophonic Creation Assistance Fund; Belgium) |
FACR | Fellow of the American College of Radiology |
FACR | Fonds d'Adaptation du Commerce Rural (French: Rural Trade Adaptation Fund) |
FACR | Fellow of the American College of Rheumatology |
FACR | Facilities & Administrative Cost Recoveries |
FACR | Frogans Address Composition Rules |
FACR | Final Acute-Chronic Ratio (US EPA) |
FACR | First Article Configuration Review |
FACR | Facilities Engineering & Design Requirements |
FACR | Fixed Asset Coverage Ratio |