Acronym | Definition |
ERD | Entity Relationship Diagram |
ERD | Espace de Recherche et de Documentation (French: Space Research and Documentation) |
ERD | Ethical and Religious Directives (Catholic Health Care Services) |
ERD | Emergency Repair Disk |
ERD | Engine Research and Development (various organizations) |
ERD | External Relations Department (various organizations) |
ERD | Economic Relations Department (various locations) |
ERD | Episcopal Relief and Development |
ERD | Economic Relations Division (Bangladesh) |
ERD | Examen de Recrutement de Diplômés (French: Graduate Recruitment Examination; Canada) |
ERD | Edgewood Retail District (Atlanta, GA) |
ERD | Environment, Resources and Development Court (Australia) |
ERD | Electronic Report Distribution |
ERD | Emergency Recovery Disk |
ERD | Eclipse Resource Database |
ERD | Event-Related Desynchronization |
ERD | Extended Reach Drilling (oil industry) |
ERD | Economic Recovery Development |
ERD | Emergency Response Division |
ERD | Elastic Recoil Detection |
ERD | Emerging Research Device |
ERD | Earliest Return Date (shipping) |
ERD | Environmental Restoration Division |
ERD | Energy Recovery Device |
ERD | Explosives Regulatory Division |
ERD | Eligible Rollover Distribution |
ERD | Early Return of Dependents |
ERD | effective rim diameter (cycles) |
ERD | Ecosystems Research Division (US EPA) |
ERD | Employment Relations Directorate (UK) |
ERD | Employee Relations Division |
ERD | Équipe de Réadaptation a Domicile (French: Home Rehabilitation Team: Canada) |
ERD | Esophageal Reflux Disease |
ERD | Earthquake Resistant Design |
ERD | Entrainements Réguliers du Danseur (French: Regular Dance Training) |
ERD | Étude Réalisation Désemfumage (French manufacturing company) |
ERD | Early Random Drop |
ERD | Expected Reinsurer Deficit (CAS Risk Transfer Metric) |
ERD | E-Referencedesk |
ERD | Estimated Release Date |
ERD | Early Release Date (prision) |
ERD | Emergency Reserve Decoration (UK) |
ERD | Environmental Radiation Data |
ERD | Early Renal Damage |
ERD | Equal-Cost-Route Descriptor (Cisco) |
ERD | Electronic Restraint Device |
ERD | Equivalent Residual Dose |
ERD | Enterprise Relational Database |
ERD | Experimental Research Design |
ERD | Equipment Readiness Date |
ERD | External Reuse Density |
ERD | Employment Relations Divisions (Montana) |
ERD | Total Residential Energy Demand (Carolina Environmental Program) |
ERD | External Requirements Document |
ERD | Estimating Requirements Document (mini Cost Analysis Requirements Document) |
ERD | Engineering Review Diagram |
ERD | Expected Recovery Date (medical terminology) |
ERD | Envelope Recipient Domain (email) |
ERD | Exchange Rate Difference (finance) |
ERD | Électricité de France Réseaux de Distribution (French) |