EREEnergy, Resources and the Environment (European Geosciences Union)
EREEastern Roman Empire
EREEmployment Relations Education (New Zealand)
EREEnergy Resource Efficiency
EREÉnergies Renouvelables de l'Est (French: Renewables East; manufacturing)
EREEnglish Rock Ensemble (band)
EREÉducation Relative a l'Environnement
EREEspace Rural et Environnement (French: Environment and Rural Areas)
EREEstrogen Response Element
EREEnergy Resources Engineering (various schools)
EREEnvironmental Research and Education
EREExtended Regular Expression
EREElectronic Recruiting Exchange (professional organization)
EREElectro Reflex Energizer
EREEducational Research and Evaluation
EREEmployee Related Expenses
EREElectronic Records Express (Social Security Online)
EREEvenly Rotating Economy (model)
EREEnvironmental Remediation Equipment
EREEnergize Regional Economies
EREEnvironmental Research Event
EREEnvironmental Requirements Engineer
EREExtensional Rheology Experiment
EREExtra Regimental Employment
EREEtheric Rain Engineering
EREEligible Rate Estimate