Acronym | Definition |
FBA | Fulfillment by Amazon |
FBA | Functional Behavior Assessment |
FBA | FileMaker Business Alliance (promotional group) |
FBA | Folke Bernadotte Academy (Sweden) |
FBA | Family Business Australia (trade organization) |
FBA | First Baptist Academy (various locations) |
FBA | Federal Bar Association |
FBA | Fructose-Bisphosphate Aldolase (enzymes) |
FBA | Face and Body Animation |
FBA | Form Based Authentication |
FBA | First Boot Agent |
FBA | Fellow of the British Academy |
FBA | Florida Bandmasters Association |
FBA | Fibre Box Association (North America) |
FBA | Freshwater Biological Association (UK) |
FBA | Foreign Business Act (Thailand) |
FBA | Functional Behavior Analysis |
FBA | Florida Bankers Association |
FBA | Forms Based Authentication (Microsoft Outlook Web Access) |
FBA | Florida Bicycle Association |
FBA | Flux Balance Analysis |
FBA | First Boot Agent (Microsoft Windows) |
FBA | Fixed Block Architecture |
FBA | Future Builders of America |
FBA | Florida Bar Association |
FBA | Forces Belges en Allemagne (French: Belgian Forces in Germany) |
FBA | Fire Behavior Analyst |
FBA | Faceless Background Application (computer application lacking a controlling GUI) |
FBA | Fundación Bitcoin Argentina (Spanish: Bitcoin Foundation Argentina; Argentina) |
FBA | Food Bank of Alaska |
FBA | FinalBurn Alpha (arcade game emulator) |
FBA | Fentress Bradburn Architects (Denver, CO) |
FBA | Fantasy Basketball League |
FBA | Full Blown AIDS |
FBA | Fôret-Bois Aquitaine (French: Forest-Wood Aquitaine; National Institute of Agronomic Research; Aquitaine, France) |
FBA | Forward-Backward Algorithm (speech processing) |
FBA | Foreign Bankers' Association |
FBA | Florida Barbecue Association |
FBA | Family Benefits Assistance (Canada) |
FBA | Fighter Bomber Attack |
FBA | Fixed Bandwidth Allocation (network management) |
FBA | Field Benefit Administration (OBGC) |
FBA | Financial Business Analysis |
FBA | Fukuoka Badminton Association (Japan) |
FBA | Foundation Beefmaster Association |
FBA | Foreign Born Adoptee (adoption) |
FBA | Facilities Budget Activity |
FBA | Fluidized Bed Afterburner |
FBA | Functional Business Analysts |
FBA | Forensic Behavioural Analysis |
FBA | Flint Builders Association (Michigan) |
FBA | Fan-Beam Antenna |
FBA | Fund Based Accounting |