Acronym | Definition |
FBF | Flash Back Friday |
FBF | Fédération Bancaire Française (French: French Banking Federation) |
FBF | Frame by Frame |
FBF | Friends Become Family |
FBF | Fat Burning Furnace (weight loss system) |
FBF | Farmaceutsko Biokemijski Fakultet (Croatian: Pharmacy and Biochemistry) |
FBF | Filter-Based Forwarding |
FBF | Forearm Blood Flow |
FBF | Frankfurt Book Fair |
FBF | Frame by Frame (animation technique) |
FBF | Feedback Form |
FBF | Fédération de Football Burkinabé (Spanish: Burkina Faso Football Federation) |
FBF | Florida Bright Futures (scholarship program; Florida) |
FBF | FleetBoston Financial Corporation (stock symbol) |
FBF | Field Band Foundation |
FBF | Feedback Filter |
FBF | Fundamental Baptist Fellowship |
FBF | Fast by Ferracci (Willow Grove, PA motorcycle dealer/race team) |
FBF | Fédération Belge de la Franchise (French: Belgian Franchise Federation; Belgium) |
FBF | Former Boyfriend |
FBF | Flag By Flag (multiplayer online games form of play) |
FBF | Facebook Friend (online social networking) |
FBF | Femoral Blood Flow |
FBF | Four by Four |
FBF | Florida Bar Foundation |
FBF | Field by Field |
FBF | Free Beer Fighters (gaming) |
FBF | Five by Five |
FBF | Flogbóltssamband Føroya |
FBF | Forged by Fire |
FBF | Former Best Friend |
FBF | First Black Frame (digital camera malfunction) |
FBF | Föreningsbanken i Finland (Sweden) |
FBF | France Boomerang Fédération (French: France Boomerang Federation; est. 1991) |
FBF | Fake Boyfriend |
FBF | Future Boyfriend |
FBF | Florida Birding Festival |
FBF | Fluid Bed Fluorination |
FBF | Firm but Fair |
FBF | Foul Bachelor Frog |
FBF | Family Business First (coalition of small family-owned forest products businesses) |
FBF | Fuss Budget Farm |
FBF | Free Beer Friday |