Acronym | Definition |
EB | Electronic Warfare Bomber (US military aircraft designation) |
EB | Editorial Board (various locations) |
EB | Electronics Boutique |
EB | Eddie Bauer |
EB | Executive Board |
EB | Ebay (auction website) |
EB | Electron Beam |
EB | Eat Bulaga (Philippine TV Show) |
EB | Encyclopædia Britannica |
EB | Electronic Business |
EB | Ernie Ball (guitar maker) |
EB | Early Bird |
EB | Employment-Based Immigrant |
EB | Enforcement Bureau (FCC) |
EB | Environmental Biotechnology (various schools) |
EB | Electric Boat |
EB | Employee Benefit(s) |
EB | Exabyte (1,024 Petabytes) |
EB | Earthbound (video game) |
EB | electronic beats (music festival organized by T-Mobile) |
EB | Environmental Benefits |
EB | Enterobacteriaceae (microbiology) |
EB | Ettore Bugatti (sports car pioneer) |
EB | Energy Per Bit |
EB | Eclipsing Binary (class of variable star) |
EB | Electronic Banking (European cash management by Dolfe and Koritz, Wiley, 1999, p15) |
EB | East Bound |
EB | Embryoid Body |
EB | EuroBonus (SAS frequent flyer program) |
EB | East Berlin |
EB | Ethylene Glycol Monobutyl Ether (solvent) |
EB | Energy Blast (gaming) |
EB | Elementary Body |
EB | Eurobond |
EB | Elektronische Berichterstattung (German: Electronic Reporting) |
EB | Early Bronco (vehicle) |
EB | Executive Body |
EB | Eyecare Business |
EB | Error Block |
EB | Electricity Board |
EB | Early Booking (travel industry) |
EB | Entity Bean (Enterprise JavaBean) |
EB | Europa Barbarorum (gaming modification for Rome: Total War) |
EB | Earl Boykins (NBA Player) |
EB | Economic Botany |
EB | Energy Balancer |
EB | Enlistment Bonus |
EB | Economic and Business Affairs (Dept of State Bureau) |
EB | End Box |
EB | Encyclopedia Brown (Young detective of the famous stories) |
EB | Exchangeable Bond |
EB | Electronics Box |
EB | Exponential Backoff (algorithm) |
EB | Evening Bulletin (Philadelphia newspaper) |
EB | Event Builder |
EB | Employee Bonus |
EB | Ethiopian Birr (currency) |
EB | Erstbezug (German: first occupancy new) |
EB | Extension Box |
EB | Electronic Bible |
EB | Epidermylosis Bullosa (skin condition) |
EB | Electronic Bonding |
EB | Ephraim Brasher (colonial goldsmith and coin minter; mint mark) |
EB | English Basketball |
EB | Electronics Bay |
EB | Equipotential Bonding |
EB | Error Burst |
EB | Equipment Bay |
EB | Emu Bitter (Western Australian beer) |
EB | East Bakersfield High (Bakersfield, CA) |
EB | Efficiency Bandwidth |
EB | Emergency Bulletin |
EB | Eurobricks (Lego bricks fans forum) |
EB | Emissions Balancing |
EB | Entitlement Bitch (customer service slang) |
EB | Equipment Builder (engineering) |
EB | Expendable Booster |
EB | Extended Backbone |
EB | Semipostal Special Delivery (Scott Catalogue prefix; philately) |
EB | Electrode Boiler |