Acronym | Definition |
ESE | Exceptional Student Education (Florida) |
ESE | Erasmus School of Economics (Erasmus University Rotterdam; Netherlands) |
ESE | Extensible Storage Engine (Microsoft Exchange Server) |
ESE | Elementary and Secondary Education (various locations) |
ESE | Economic, Social and Environmental |
ESE | Easy Serving Espresso |
ESE | East-South-East |
ESE | Empirical Software Engineering |
ESE | Embedded Secure Element (mobile technology) |
ESE | Earth Science Enterprise (NASA) |
ESE | Enterprise Systems Engineering |
ESE | Enhanced Systems Engineering |
ESE | Extensible Storage Engine |
ESE | Error in Simple Expression |
ESE | Error Status Element |
ESE | Event Status Enable |
ESE | Eastern States Exposition (West Springfield, MA) |
ESE | Enseignement Supérieur à l'Etranger (French: Higher Education Abroad) |
ESE | Environmental Science and Engineering |
ESE | Écologie et Santé des Écosystèmes (French: Ecology and Health of Ecosystems) |
ESE | Exonic Splicing Enhancer |
ESE | Écologie, Systématique, Évolution (French: Ecology, Systematics, Evolution; laboratory) |
ESE | École Supérieure d'Electricité (French electrical school) |
ESE | Electronic Stock Exchange |
ESE | Electronic Support Equipment (various locations) |
ESE | European Seafood Exhibition (tradeshow) |
ESE | European Solar Engineering (Belgium) |
ESE | Electronic Security Equipment |
ESE | E-Commerce Search Engine |
ESE | Entrance Skin Exposure (medical x-ray) |
ESE | Enterasys Systems Engineer |
ESE | Early Streamer Emitter (ligthning protection) |
ESE | Eclipse Summit Europe |
ESE | Electrical Support Equipment (US NASA) |
ESE | Experimental School Environment |
ESE | Expert Systems Environment |
ESE | Exceptional/Special Education |
ESE | Electronic Surveillance Enhancement |
ESE | Expert Social pour l'Entreprise (French: Social Enterprise Expert) |
ESE | Escola de Sargentos do Exército (Portugal) |
ESE | Equipment Service Employee (airline employee) |
ESE | Enhanced Secure Environment (anti-cheat gaming software) |
ESE | EVA Support Equipment |
ESE | Engineer Support Equipment (Army) |
ESE | Exact Signed English |
ESE | Electronic Security Europe |
ESE | École Supérieure de l'Entreprise (French: Graduate School of Business) |
ESE | Europe Sécurité Événements (French security company) |
ESE | External Speed Expansion |
ESE | Enhanced Spectrum Efficiency |
ESE | European Society of Endontology |