FBHFerdinand Braun Institut für Höchstfrequenztechnik (Berlin)
FBHFull Body Harness (various companies)
FBHFlat Bottom Hole
FBHFire Baptized Holiness
FBHFederation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
FBHFederation of British Herpetologists (UK)
FBHFort Benjamin Harrison (Indiana)
FBHFireBatHero (Starcraft gaming)
FBHForum des Biohygiénistes (French: Biohygienist Forum)
FBHForce Beachhead
FBHFluorescent Biprobe Hybridization (assay)
FBHFederal Bureau of Hackers
FBHFull-Blooded Human
FBHfamilial benign hypercalcemia (aka Familial Hypocalciuric Hypercalcemia)
FBHFairly Big Hammer
FBHFuel Burning Heater (vehicles)
FBHFederation of Bounty Hunters (gaming clan)
FBHFront of Back Hash (marching band)
FBHFeline Butt Hobbits