B2BBusiness to Business
B2BBusiness 2 Business
B2BBack to Basics
B2BBack to Back
B2BBay to Breakers (annual footrace; San Francisco, CA)
B2BBack to Business
B2BBus to Bus
B2BBuffer to Buffer
B2BBack to Base
B2BBorder to Border
B2BBack to Banking
B2BBrother 2 Brother (greek gaming clan)
B2BBridges to Babylon (Rolling Stones album)
B2BBottle to Bottle (plastics recycling)
B2BBottom 2 Box (marketing metric)
B2BBack to Bankruptcies
B2B'Bout to Bounce (chat)
B2BBaptist 2 Baptist (Southern Baptist Convention)
B2BBoundary-Corrected Second Born (for scattering)