EPMAElectron Probe Microanalysis
EPMAEuropean Powder Metallurgy Association
EPMAElectron Probe Micro Analyzer
EPMAEngineering, Procurement and Management Assistance (various companies)
EPMAEl Paso Museum of Art (El Paso, Texas)
EPMAElectronic Prescribing and Medicines Administration (UK)
EPMAEmployee Performance Management and Appraisal
EPMAEuropean Association for Predictive, Preventive & Personalised Medicine (Belgium)
EPMAEuropean Pro Mod Association
EPMAEmirates Project Management Association
EPMAEuropean Promotional Marketing Alliance
EPMAEmergency Planners and Managers Association (British Columbia, Canada)
EPMAEndpoint Moving Average
EPMAECA Policy Management Authority
EPMAEnterprise Project Management Accelerator
EPMAEclectic Performance Management and Analysis
EPMAExternal Pole Mount Adapter
EPMAePublication Marketing Associates
EPMAExtra Privilege Maintenance Agreements
EPMAExpanded Polystyrene Molders Association
EPMAElectroplated Platinum Metal Anode
EPMAEuropean Pencil Manufacturer's Association
EPMAElectronic Parts Manufacturers Association
EPMAExisting Preventative Maintenance Analysis
EPMAError Prone Module Analysis
EPMAEcole Primaire Moustapha Almanya