FHSFaculty of Health Sciences
FHSFilesystem Hierarchy Standard (standard for the location of files on a UNIX system)
FHSFranklin High School
FHSForest History Society (Durham, NC)
FHSFolkehøyskole (Norway)
FHSFloor Heating System
FHSFramingham Heart Study
FHSFranciscan Health System
FHSFormat Handling System
FHSFilesystem Hierarchy Standard
FHSFan Heat Sink
FHSFayetteville High School (Fayetteville, Arkansas)
FHSForest High School
FHSFoxborough High School (Foxborough, MA)
FHSFunctional Health Status (healthcare measurement)
FHSFood Hygiene and Safety
FHSFile Hierarchy Standard
FHSFoothill High School (California)
FHSFarmington High School (Farmington, NM)
FHSFlorida Historical Society
FHSFor Heaven's Sake
FHSFreedom High School (Bethlehem, PA)
FHSFremont High School
FHSFoaming Hand Soap
FHSFreeport High School (Freeport, Maine)
FHSFinal Honour School (UK)
FHSFairfield High School
FHSFerndale High School
FHSFaster, Higher, Stronger
FHSFairfax High School (Virginia)
FHSFitchburg High School (Massachusetts)
FHSFirst Health Services
FHSFédération Haïtienne de Ski (French: Haitian Ski Federation)
FHSFederal Highway System
FHSFamily History Center
FHSFamily Home Service (various organizations)
FHSFamily Home Service
FHSFredericton High School (Canada)
FHSFamily Health Survey
FHSFarrington High School (Kalihi, Oahu, Hawaii)
FHSFriendswood High School (Friendswood, Texas)
FHSFindlay High School
FHSFulton High School
FHSFamily Healthcare Services (various locations)
FHSFrench Honor Society
FHSField High School (Suffield, OH)
FHSFolsom High School (Folsom, California, USA)
FHSFetal Hydantoin Syndrome
FHSFrequency Hopping Sequence
FHSFresno High School (Fresno, California)
FHSForney High School (Forney, Texas)
FHSFenton High School (Fenton, MI, USA)
FHSFuel Handling System
FHSFernley High School (Fernley, NV)
FHSFairfield Historical Society (Fairfield, CT)
FHSFallston High School (Fallston, MD)
FHSFoote Health System (Jackson, MI)
FHSFlying Helicopter Simulator
FHSFetal Heart Sounds
FHSFrance Hygiène Service
FHSFlat Head Screw
FHSFrequency Hopping Synchronization (Bluetooth)
FHSFredonia High School
FHSFondation Hanns Seidel (Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo)
FHSFeinstein High School (Providence, RI)
FHSFalmouth Historical Society
FHSFluid Handling System
FHSFellow of the Heraldry Society
FHSFairfax Senior High School (Los Angeles, California)
FHSFriends of Hellenic Studies (New Jersey)
FHSFleetwood Area High School (Pennsylvania)
FHSFoersvarshoehskolan (Swedish War College)
FHSFrederick Historical Society (Frederick, MD)