FIATFabbrica Italiana Automobili Torino (Italian automobile manufacturer)
FIATField Information Agency, Technical (various organizations)
FIATFabbrica Italiana Di Automobili Torino
FIATFonds d'Intervention pour l'Aménagement du Territoire (French: Intervention Fund for Regional Development)
FIATFeeble Italian Attempt at Transportation (car slang)
FIATFlatus, Ignis, Aqua, Terra (Latin: Air, Fire, Water, Earth)
FIATFoundations of Intelligence Analysis Training
FIATForest Industries Association of Tasmania
FIATFelony Investigative Assistance Team (Illinois)
FIATFInite element Automatic Tabulator
FIATFederation Internationale des Archives de Television (French: International Federation of Television Archives)
FIATFlight Incident Analysis Tool (informatics, University of Hamburg)
FIATFault Injection-Based Automated Testing Environment (computer system development)
FIATField Inspection and Acceptance Test
FIATFellow of the Institute of Asphalt Technology
FIATFédération Internationale des Associations de Thanatoloques
FIATFan/Inlet Acoustic Technology