AGTAustralia's Got Talent (TV show)
AGTAmerica's Got Talent (TV show)
AGTAlgebraic and Geometric Topology
AGTO6-Alkylguanine-DNA Alkyltransferase
AGTAlanine-Glyoxylate Amniotransferase (enzymology)
AGTAcides Gras Trans (French: Trans Fatty Acid)
AGTAdvanced Global Technology
AGTAgent File
AGTAutomated Guideway Transit
AGTAzerbaijan-Georgia-Turkey (pipeline project)
AGTApplied Global Technologies
AGTA Global Threat (band)
AGTAtmospheric Glow Technologies
AGTAdventure Game Toolkit (text adventure creation system)
AGTApplied Graphics Technologies
AGTAdvanced Glider Training (UK)
AGTAutomated Guided Transit
AGTAssociation of Gardens Trusts
AGTAustralian Grain Technologies
AGTAlberta Government Telephone
AGTAdministration Generale et Territoriale
AGTAudubon Golf Trail
AGTAdvanced Gas Turbine
AGTAgent Trade
AGTAlkyl Guanine Transferase
AGTAssociation of Government Toxicologists
AGTAbove Ground Tank
AGTAssociation of Genetic Technologists, Inc.
AGTAutomotive Garage Tools
AGTAdvanced Guard Tower (Command and Conquer video game)
AGTAlgorithmic Graph Theory
AGTAssociació Gironina de Teatre
AGTAfrican Geography Tutor
AGTAdvanced Graphics Technologies
AGTAsesoria y Gestion Tecnica
AGTAstral Gemstone Talisman
AGTAll in Good Taste
AGTAdventure Game Theater
AGTAdvanced Gel Technology Ltd.
AGTApplications of Graph Theory
AGTAdvanced Generator Technology
AGTAdvanced Ground Transport
AGTAmerican Gasket Technologies, Inc.
AGTArizona Green Tea
AGTAdvanced Gun Technology (US DoD)
AGTApplied Geographic Technologies
AGTAvestha Gengraine Technologies Pvt, Ltd (India)
AGTAuthors' Group of Translators
AGTAssociazione Giuristi per il Turismo
AGTAimGlobal Technologies, Inc. (stock symbol)
AGTAcademy of Grain Technology
AGTAktions Gemeinschaft für Tiere
AGTAboriginal Group Training
AGTAlgebraic General Topology
AGTArbeitsgemeinschaft Touristik
AGTAutomated Gateway Transit
AGTAcademically Gifted and Talented
AGTAdvanced Geotechnical Testing, Inc.
AGTAbove Ground Tests
AGTAdvanced Guidance Technology
AGTAnode Gate Thyristors
AGTAEELS Ground Terminal
AGTAll Good Thoughts
AGTAssociaçio Gaucha de Taekwando
AGTAlabama Great Southern Railroad Corporation (former stock symbol - now delisted)
AGTAuthorized Gas Tester