Acronym | Definition |
EBI | European Bioinformatics Institute |
EBI | Europejski Bank Inwestycyjny (Polish: European Investment Bank) |
EBI | Europaeische Buergerinitiative Gegen Ttip und Ceta (European citizens' initiative) |
EBI | Even Better If |
EBI | École de Biologie Industrielle (French: School of Industrial Biology) |
EBI | Engler-Bunte-Institut (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology division; Germany) |
EBI | Energy Biosciences Institute (University of California, Berkeley) |
EBI | Escuela Bilingüe Internacional (Spanish: International Bilingual School; Oakland, CA) |
EBI | Executive Business Institute |
EBI | External Bus Interface |
EBI | Employment Background Investigations |
EBI | Effective Buying Income |
EBI | Efes Breweries International (Dutch brewing company) |
EBI | East Bay Innovations (San Leandro, CA) |
EBI | Enterprise Buildings Integrator (Honeywell Building Solutions) |
EBI | Enterprise Business Intelligence |
EBI | Electrical Bio-Impedance |
EBI | Effective Behavioral Intervention |
EBI | Euthanasia by Injection |
EBI | Evidence Based Initiative (various organizations) |
EBI | Electron Beam Imaging |
EBI | European Brand Institute (Austria) |
EBI | Earth and Biosphere Institute (UK) |
EBI | Edison Biotechnology Institute (Ohio University) |
EBI | Equivalent Background Input |
EBI | Extended Background Investigation |
EBI | Ebusiness Innovations, Inc |
EBI | Environmental Business International, Inc. |
EBI | Editorial Bautista Independiente (publisher of Spanish fundamental Baptist books) |
EBI | Engineering Building I (various schools) |
EBI | Emerging Bacterial Infection |
EBI | Empty Bottle Inspector |
EBI | Economic Buying Influence |
EBI | Extensive Background Investigation |
EBI | Eksperimentaalbioloogia Instituut (Institute of Experimental Biology, Harku, Estonia) |
EBI | European Benchmark Indicators |
EBI | Electrical Builders, Inc. (St. Cloud, MN) |
EBI | Electromagnetic Bone-growth Inducer |
EBI | End of Bitstream Information |
EBI | Elektronik Bilgi Ýþlem (Turkish) |
EBI | Enterprise Business Integration, Inc. (Florida) |
EBI | Enterprise Backlog Item (computing) |
EBI | Elite Benefits Insurance Marketing Services Inc |