FFIFestival Film Indonesia
FFIForeign Function Interface
FFIForeign Financial Institution
FFIFamily Firm Institute, Inc.
FFIFor Further Information
FFIFootball Frontier International
FFIFuel Freedom International
FFIFight for Independence (gaming)
FFIFatal Familial Insomnia
FFIFauna and Flora International
FFIFee for Intervention (Health and Safety Executive; UK)
FFIFilm Federation of India (India)
FFIFer Forgé Industrie (French: Wrought Iron Industry)
FFIForces Françaises de l'Intérieur (WWII, French Resistance Army)
FFIFaith Freedom International
FFIFriendship Force International (Florida)
FFIFrench Forces of the Interior (WWII)
FFIFilm Finances, Inc. (various locations)
FFIFixed and Flashing
FFIForest Frontiers Initiative
FFILes Faisant Fonction d'Interne (French healthcare professional)
FFIFotografie Forum International (German photography forum)
FFIFrance Finance Investissement (French investment company)
FFIFish Farming International (journal)
FFIFree from Infection
FFIForum Francophone International (French: International Francophone Forum)
FFIFonds Francophone des Inforoutes (French: Francophone Information Highway Fund; est. 1998)
FFIFire Facilities, Inc. (Sun Prairie, WI)
FFIForsvarets Forsknings Institutt
FFIFresh Food Images (photography)
FFIFinancial Fraud Institute
FFIFull Field Investigation
FFIFailure to Follow Instructions
FFIFull Frame Image
FFIFormal Financial Institution
FFIFraternité Francophone Internationale (French: Francophone International Fraternity)
FFIFlexible Film Isolator
FFIFraction of Faults Isolated
FFIFutures Foundation International
FFIFulco Fulfillment, Inc. (Dover, NJ; est. 2001)
FFIFiber Fuels Institute
FFIFreight Forwarder Instructions (FIATA form)
FFIFlame Failure Indicator
FFIFraction of Failures Isolated