APKAndroid Package Kit (installation file)
APKAmplitude Phase Keying
APKAdmin Private Key
APKAlgemene Periodieke Keuring (Dutch)
APKAlex P. Keaton
APKAmerican Parkour (parkour and free running company and online community)
APKActivating Prior Knowledge (education)
APKAssociação Portuguesa de Kendo (Portueguese: Kendo Portuguese Association)
APKAlbion Portal Keep (Dark Age of Camelot MMORPG)
APKAssociação Portuguesa de Kyudo (Portuguese: Portuguese Association of Kyudo)
APKAmplitude Phase-Shift Keying
APKAdvanced Power Kit (Premier Drums)
APKAfrikaanse Protestante Kerk (Afrikaans Protestant Church)
APKAssociation pour la Promotion de l'Enseignement de la Construction en Acier (French: Association for the Advancement of Teaching of Steel Construction)
APKAntrasis Pasaulinis Karas (Lithuanian: The Second World War)
APKAuthenticated Public-Key (computer security)