EMDEmergency Medical Dispatching
EMDEmotionally Disturbed
EMDElectro-Motive Division (division of General Motors)
EMDEmerging Market Debt
EMDEmpirical Mode Decomposition (signal processing)
EMDEnvironmental Management Division
EMDEarnest Money Deposit
EMDExecutive Managing Director (various organizations)
EMDEmerald Downs (est. 1996)
EMDEngineering Manufacturing Development
EMDEngineering and Manufacturing Design
EMDEmergency Management Division
EMDEmery-Dreifuss Muscular Dystrophy
EMDÉquipements des Métiers de la Défense (French: Equipment for Careers in Defence)
EMDEmergency Medical Dispatcher
EMDEstrela Mountain Dog (breed)
EMDExact Match Domain (computer algorithm)
EMDEmergency Management Director
EMDElectronic Miscellaneous Document (International Air Transport Association standard)
EMDEngineering and Manufacturing Development
EMDError Message Decoder
EMDE-Mail Database
EMDElectronic Media Distribution
EMDElectro-Muscular Disruption
EMDElectronic Monitoring Device
EMDEnhanced Metal Detector (security screening device)
EMDElectrolytic Manganese Dioxide (active cathode material in alkaline batteries)
EMDE-Money Directive (EU)
EMDEffective Management Development (course; various locations)
EMDEstado Mayor de la Defensa (Spanish: Defense Department, Guatemala)
EMDElectronic Music Distribution
EMDElectromechanical Dissociation (now Pulseless Electrical Activity, PEA)
EMDEnergy Management Division
EMDEnhanced Multilayer Deposition (telescopes)
EMDÉcole des Mines de Douai (French engineering school)
EMDEuropean Magazine Distribution (Germany)
EMDÉcole Municipale de Danse (French: Municipal School of Dance)
EMDExcel Meridian Data (est. 1992)
EMDEat My Dust
EMDElectric Motor Driven
EMDEquilibrium Mode Distribution
EMDE-Mail Directory
EMDElectron Momentum Density (solid state physics)
EMDElectron Momentum Density
EMDEntry Monitor Display (US NASA)
EMDEmerald, Queensland, Australia - Emerald (Airport Code)
EMDE. Merck, Darmstadt (Germany)
EMDEngine Manufacturer Diagnostics
EMDElectromagnetic Discharge
EMDEducation Management Development
EMDEngineering Manufacturing Design
EMDElectric Mobility Device
EMDEngine Model Derivative
EMDEticketing Mobile Device (Amtrak)
EMDElectro-Mechanical Delay
EMDElectronic Map Display
EMDExtrinsic Message Degree
EMDEffective Miss Distance
EMDElectromagnetic Manufacturing Development
EMDElectronic Map Data
EMDÉmission de Moteur Diesel (French: Emission of Diesel Engine)
EMDElectronics Maintenance Detachment
EMDEkonomi Muhabirleri Dernegi (Turkey)
EMDEngine Monitor Display
EMDEstimated Maximum Demand
EMDElectromagnetic Defense
EMDEliminate, Move, Digitise (Business) (What to do with non or low value added activities GE Capital)
EMDEmployment Manning Document
EMDElectromagnetic Digitizer
EMDExpendable Media Device