Acronym | Definition |
EME | École Modèle d'Electronique (French: Model School of Electronics) |
EME | Économie et Management des Entreprises (French: Economics and Business Management) |
EME | Earth - Moon - Earth (moon bounce radio) |
EME | Emerging Market Economy |
EME | Encrypted Media Extension |
EME | Estado-Maior do Exército (Portugal) |
EME | Electromagnetic Energy |
EME | Elementary Mathematics Education (Middle East Technical University) |
EME | Européenne de Montage et d'Equipement (French: European Mounting and Equipment) |
EME | Établissement Médico-Éducatif (French: Medical and Educational Establishment) |
EME | Electromagnetic Environment |
EME | Electromagnetic Emission |
EME | École des Métiers de l'Environnement (French: School of Environmental Careers) |
EME | Early Modern English |
EME | Early Market Engagement (strategy) |
EME | Electronic Music Ensemble (various locations) |
EME | Electromagnetic Effects |
EME | Équipement et Maintenance Électrique (French: Electrical Equipment and Maintenance) |
EME | Empyrean Energy PLC (UK; stock symbol) |
EME | Education Made Easy (various locations) |
EME | Externat Médico-Educatif (French: Medical-Educational Externship) |
EME | Electrical & Mechanical Engineers (UK & Commonwealth army) |
EME | Early Myoclonic Encephalopathy |
EME | Expertise, Mesures, Environnement (French: Expertise, Measurement, Environment) |
EME | Eligible Medical Expenses (health insurance) |
EME | Egypt and Middle East Co. (est. 1975) |
EME | Emergency Management Exercise |
EME | Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist |
EME | Episcopal Marriage Encounter |
EME | [not an acronym] California Mexican Mafia |
EME | Enter Missing Endangered (child disappearance; NCIC form datum) |
EME | Études Médias Engineering (French: Engineering Media Studies) |
EME | Electronic Music Expo Hawaii (Honolulu, Hawaii) |
EME | EIFEL Message Editor (WCCS) |