AFTAmerican Federation of Teachers
AFTAmerican Farmland Trust
AFTAtech Flash Technology (Fremont, CA)
AFTAgence France Tresor (French Treasury)
AFTAutomatic Fine Tuning
AFTanti Flutter Technology
AFTAutomated File Transceiver
AFTAutomated Funds Transfer
AFTAny Form Template
AFTAdapter Fault Tolerance
AFTAccueil Familial Thérapeutique (French: Home Family Therapy)
AFTAuthenticated Firewall Traversal
AFTAdaptive Fault Tolerance (computing)
AFTAmerican Folklore Theatre (Wisconsin)
AFTAccelerated Failure Time
AFTAnnual Field Training (US military; Air National Guard)
AFTAssociation Française de Terrariophilie (French: French Association of Arthropods)
AFTAccounting, Finance and Taxation (various locations)
AFTAssociation Française du Transpersonnel (French: French Transpersonal Association)
AFTAmericans for Fair Taxation
AFTAviation Fuel Trailer (AMA SpA; Italy)
AFTAlgemeen Fiscaal Tijdschrift (Belgian tax magazine)
AFTAdvanced Food Technology
AFTAdiabatic Flame Temperature
AFTAllowable Flight Temperature (US NASA)
AFTApartment Finance Today (magazine)
AFTAdvanced Flame Technology (personal computer board)
AFTAutomated File Transfer
AFTAn Foras Taluntais
AFTAerobic Fitness Test (USAFA)
AFTAutogenic Feedback Training
AFTAnimal Facilitated Therapy
AFTAerodynamic Flight Test
AFTActive File Table
AFTAssociation Française du Titanic (French: French Titanic Society)
AFTAtmospheric Flight Test
AFTAbbreviated Functional Test
AFTAnalytic Forensic Technology
AFTAlabama Family Ties
AFTA Forgotten Tragedy (alternative band)
AFTAffine Fourier Transform
AFTAft Flight Test
AFTAbout Freaking Time (polite form)
AFTAnalog Facility Terminal
AFTAutomated Fund Transfer
AFTApplication File Transfer
AFTApplied Foundation Testing, Inc.
AFTAvailable File Table
AFTAgglutination-Flocculation Test
AFTAngle/Frequency Tracking
AFTAnnual Funding Target
AFTAdvanced Function Terminal