GDPGross Domestic Product
GDPGeneral Dental Practitioner
GDPGood Distribution Practice
GDPGewerkschaft Der Polizei
GDPGrounded Into Double Play (baseball)
GDPGrand Daddy Purple (marijuana strain)
GDPGrundig DVD (Digital Versatile Disc) Player
GDPGlow Discharge Plasma
GDPGraduate Development Programme (various locations)
GDPGraduate Degree Program
GDPGround Delay Program (aviation traffic flow initiative)
GDPGeneral Development Policies (various organizations)
GDPGuanosine 5'-Diphosphate
GDPGaseous Diffusion Plant
GDPGeneral Data Processor
GDPGraphic Display Processor
GDPGood Documentation Practice
GDPGestione Delle Presenze (Italian: Management of Attendance; software)
GDPGeneral Defense Plan (SACEUR)
GDPGateway Discovery Protocol
GDPGroup Design Project
GDPGround Data Processing
GDPGlobal Delivery Platform (various companies)
GDPGroupes de Pairs (French: Peer Groups)
GDPGlobal Data Pool
GDPGlobal Development Process (various companies)
GDPGlobal Drifter Program
GDPGraphics Display Processor
GDPGeneralized Drawing Primitive
GDPGlucose Degradation Product
GDPGreen Data Project
GDPGas Detection Panel
GDPGeneric Printer Description
GDPGiant Depolarizing Synaptic Potential (neurology)
GDPGun Director Pointer (US Navy)
GDPGeneralized Documentation Processor
GDPGround-Delay Programme (air traffic management)
GDPGroup Design Process
GDPGeneral Duties of Pilot (Pakistan)
GDPGlobal Detection Probability
GDPGeneric Deployment Plan
References in periodicals archive
Mark-up payments during the year were reported at Rs2.1 trillion or 5.4pc of GDP - the highest since 2001 - compared to 4.4pc of last.
The share of industry in Azerbaijan's GDP was 32.9 percentin 2015,37.1 percent in 2016, 40.1 percent in 2017, and44.2 percent in 2018.
At the end of 2018, the lowest ratios of government debt to GDP were recorded in Estonia (8.4%), Luxembourg (21.4%), Bulgaria (22.6%), Czechia (32.7%), Denmark (34.1%) and Lithuania (34.2%).
Under the Fiscal Responsibility and Debt Limitation Act, Pakistan's debt should not be more than 60% of GDP.
This oversimplicity of grouping different economic components into one big formula is problematic as much as it simplifies the understanding of GDP.
Real GDP per capita in Rochester has declined in the last decade, as well as from 2016 to 2017.
According to the seasonally adjusted data1 , the GDP growth rate in the fourth quarter of 2017 is 0.8% compared to the previous quarter.
As a counterpart, in the OECD countries, banks and financial institutions constitute on average up to 6 percent of GDP, and the bloc's tax exemptions do not exceed 15 percent of GDP.
But in 2016, the country ranked the lowest GDP rate in the bloc with -2.5 percent, which was attributed to the drop in oil prices in the world market.
Total revenue to GDP ratio during the year 2012-13 was 13.3 percent of GDP which has been increased to 15.5 percent of GDP during 2016-17.
This reimagining came from a report Sarkozy commissioned to Nobel Prize-winning economists Joseph Stiglitz and Amartya Sen and their team about critiquing GDP as an indicator of progress.
AzerbaijanEe's consolidated budget revenues were up 26.3% y/y to AZN 5.6bn (37.6% of GDP) in 1Q17 (44.3% of GDP in 1Q16), while expenditures were up 101.7% y/y to AZN 6.8bn, leading to a AZN 1.1bn deficit (7.2% of GDP), compared to a AZN 1.1bn surplus in 1Q16 (9.5% of GDP).