Acronym | Definition |
GDR | German Democratic Republic (former East Germany) |
GDR | Genome Database for Rosaceae |
GDR | Genetics of Disease Resistance |
GDR | Groupe de Recherche (French: Research Group) |
GDR | Gioco Di Ruolo (Italian website) |
GDR | Gradual Dose Reduction (drugs) |
GDR | Global Depositary Receipt |
GDR | Geoscience Data Repository (Canada) |
GDR | Global Depository Receipt |
GDR | Generative Drafting |
GDR | General Distribution Release |
GDR | General Distribution Release (Microsoft) |
GDR | Great Divide Race |
GDR | Giant Dipole Resonance (nuclear excitation where the protons and neutrons oscillate against each other) |
GDR | Glucose Disposal Rate |
GDR | Geophysical Data Record |
GDR | Geographical Disaster Recovery |
GDR | Graph Drawing (Visualization Tool for Graph Algorithms) |
GDR | Great Dividing Range |
GDR | Global Deactivation of Radiation |
GDR | Great Divide Route |
GDR | Goldstar Resources NL (stock symbol) |
GDR | Grant, Deny, Revoke (SQL Server) |
GDR | Group Delay Ripple |
GDR | GIS Data Resources, Inc (Novato, California) |
GDR | General Degree Requirements |
GDR | Graduate Department of Religion |
GDR | Gareth D. Rees |
GDR | Great Divide Ride |
GDR | Group Detail Report (various companies) |
GDR | Ginga Densetsu Riki (anime) |
GDR | Good Dirt Radio |
GDR | Garage Door Repair |
GDR | Genome Database Resource (ARS, decommissioned 2002) |
GDR | Graves Development Resources (Omaha, Nebraska) |
GDR | Good Detection Rate |
GDR | Grin, Duck, Run |
GDR | Ground Data Reduction |
GDR | Global Data Replication and Recovery |
GDR | Germaniya Demokratik Respublikasi |
GDR | Giant Death Robot |
GDR | Groupement de Recherche sur la Supersymétrie (French research network) |
GDR | Global Disasters Report |
GDR | Greatful Dread Radio (Baltimore, Maryland community radio) |
GDR | Ground Segment Design Report (ADEOS-II) |
GDR | Generalized Data Retrieval |
GDR | Geometric Design Rules (computing) |