EVTEventueel (Danish: Maybe)
EVTEvanston (Amtrak station code; Evanston, IL)
EVTExtreme Value Theory (prediction tool for extrapolation of trend graphs)
EVTElectrically Variable Transmission
EVTEvent File
EVTElectric Variable Transmission (mechanics)
EVTEmergency Vehicle Technician
EVTEndovascular Treatment
EVTEmpresa de Viação Terceirense (Portuguese transportation company)
EVTEspace Vectoriel Topologique (French: Topological Vector Space; mathematics)
EVTEmbedded Visual Tools
EVTErstverkaufstag (German)
EVTÉcole de Voile de Trébeurden (French sailing school)
EVTEnterprise Vocabulary Team (US Air Force)
EVTExtravehicular Transfer (US NASA)
EVTEngineering Verification Test
EVTEmergency Visitation Travel
EVTEi Voi Tietää (Finnish: How Am I Supposed to Know)
EVTExpectancy Violations Theory (communication theory)
EVTEaton VORAD Technologies, LLC (Galesburg, Michigan)
EVTExpect Vector to ...
EVTEvaluation, Validation and Testing