Acronym | Definition |
EDD | Doctor of Education (degree) |
EDD | Employment Development Department (California) |
EDD | Economic Development Department (various organizations) |
EDD | Evolutionary Database Design (software) |
EDD | Electronic Data Discovery (litigation evidence research) |
EDD | Éducation au Développement Durable (French: Education for Sustainable Development) |
EDD | Endothelium-Dependent Dilation |
EDD | Economic Development District |
EDD | Earliest Due Date (packet scheduling) |
EDD | Estimated Delivery Date |
EDD | Expected Date of Delivery (obstetrics) |
EDD | Europe Dental Distribution (various locations) |
EDD | Explosive Detection Dog |
EDD | Environmental Due Diligence (commercial requirement) |
EDD | Electronic Data Deliverable(s) |
EDD | Enhanced Disk Drive |
EDD | Earliest Due Date |
EDD | Export Diagnostic Data |
EDD | Electronic Document Delivery |
EDD | End-Diastolic Dimension (cardiology) |
EDD | Europe of Democracies and Diversities |
EDD | Ethernet Demarcation Device |
EDD | Element Definition Document |
EDD | Enhanced Due Diligence (regulatory requirements) |
EDD | Entry Denial Device |
EDD | Engagement dans le Développement Durable (French: Commitment to Sustainable Development) |
EDD | Early Disease Detection |
EDD | Enterprise Development Division (Trinidad and Tobago) |
EDD | Electronic Document Distribution |
EDD | École Doctorale de Dauphine (French: Graduate School of Dauphine; Paris Dauphine University; Paris, France) |
EDD | Explosive Detection Device |
EDD | Enterprise Data Distribution |
EDD | Electronic Digital Device |
EDD | Enforcement Decision Document |
EDD | Electronic Due Diligence |
EDD | Emotional Detachment Disorder (psychology) |
EDD | Envelope Delay Distortion |
EDD | Eastman Department of Dentistry (University of Rochester; New York) |
EDD | European Database Directive (trade) |
EDD | Experimental Design Diagram |
EDD | Error Diffusion Dithering (color quantization) |
EDD | Earliest Delivery Date |
EDD | Estimated Departure Date |
EDD | Error Detecting Device |
EDD | Example Driven Design (software design) |
EDD | Educational Dollars for Duty (Florida) |
EDD | Ethyleendiaminedinitraat |
EDD | Enterprise Design Document |
EDD | External Design Document |
EDD | Electron Dense Deposit |
EDD | Earliest Date Due |
EDD | Enterprise Dictionary Database (Army Knowledge Online) |
EDD | Estimated Deployment Date |
EDD | Engineering for Design and Development |
EDD | Estimated Defect Density |
EDD | Extended Data Definition |
EDD | Electronic Distribution Delivery (EMC2) |
EDD | Equipment Degradation Document |
EDD | Enhanced Disc Drive |