Acronym | Definition |
EDF | Environmental Defense Fund |
EDF | Electricité de France |
EDF | European Disability Forum |
EDF | Edifício (Portuguese: building; postal usage) |
EDF | European Development Fund |
EDF | Earth Defense Force (game) |
EDF | Education Development Fund (various locations) |
EDF | Electric Ducted Fan |
EDF | European Developer Forum |
EDF | Execution Diagnostic Facility |
EDF | External Described File |
EDF | European Dermatology Forum (est. 1997) |
EDF | Extended Depth of Field (algorithm) |
EDF | Earliest Deadline First |
EDF | Expected Default Frequency (finance; credit analysis; Moody's KMV) |
EDF | Educational Foundations |
EDF | Erbium-Doped Fiber |
EDF | Empirical Distribution Function |
EDF | Export Development Fund |
EDF | Electric Drinking Fountain |
EDF | European Data Format |
EDF | Enterprise Data Fabric (computing) |
EDF | Eating Disorders Foundation (various locations) |
EDF | Enlisted Dining Facility (various armed forces) |
EDF | Environment and Development Foundation |
EDF | Electronic Discussion Forum |
EDF | European Dystonia Federation |
EDF | Anchorage Elmendorf AFB (airport code, AK) |
EDF | Eritrean Defense Force |
EDF | Eritrean Development Foundation (Washington, DC) |
EDF | Early Departure Fee (hotels) |
EDF | Enterprise Documentation Framework (US DoD) |
EDF | Electronic Document Filing (legal software) |
EDF | Engineering Data File |
EDF | Engineering Design File |
EDF | Earth's Defence Force (freeware game project) |
EDF | ECS Development Facility |
EDF | Employee Data Form |
EDF | Emergency Decontamination Facility |
EDF | Engineering Development Facility |
EDF | Electric Dream Factory |
EDF | Electronic Design Fixture |
EDF | Engineering Design Fixture |
EDF | End Upstream Data Flow |
EDF | Effective Direct Fire |
EDF | Engineering Design Format |
EDF | Elliptic-Disc Filter |
EDF | Executive Dining Facility |