Acronym | Definition |
ESH | European Society of Hypertension (est. 1989) |
ESH | European School of Haematology (est. 1986) |
ESH | Erhvervsskolen Hamlet |
ESH | Extended Shell |
ESH | Environmental, Safety and Health |
ESH | Entente Sportive Haylande (French sports club) |
ESH | Entente Sportive Hagondange (French sports club) |
ESH | entreprises sociales pour l’habitat |
ESH | Experience, Strength, Hope (alcoholics anonymous) |
ESH | Equivalent Sun Hours |
ESH | Environmentally Sensitive Habitat |
ESH | Emergent Sandbar Habitat |
ESH | Étoile Sportive d'Hermanville (French sports club) |
ESH | Electric Surface Heating |
ESH | Sahara Español (Western Sahara, ISO Code) |
ESH | Ecole Superieure d'Horticulture (Tunisia) |
ESH | Emission Share (media) |
ESH | Electrolytic Sodium Hypoclorite |
ESH | Elektronenstrahl-Härtend (German: electron beam curable) |
ESH | Eastside Homeboyz (gang; Dallas, TX) |