DRLDaytime Running Lights
DRLBureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor (US State Department)
DRLDrone Racing League
DRLDrive Revocation List
DRLDocument Requirements List
DRLDigital Radio Link
DRLDirty Region Logging
DRLDifferential Reinforcement of Low Rates
DRLDepartment of Regulation and Licensing (real estate)
DRLDr Reddy's Laboratories (Pharmaceutical Company; Hyderabad, India)
DRLDomestic Relations Law (state of New York)
DRLDose Reference Level (medical imaging)
DRLDefence Research Laboratory (India)
DRLDisney Resort Line (monorail; Japan)
DRLDynamically Reconfigurable Logic
DRLDiagnostic Reference Level (radiation)
DRLDemocracy Human Rights and Labor Affairs (Bureau of)
DRLDiamond Research Laboratory (various locations)
DRLDecision Representation Language
DRLData Return Link
DRLDivision Restauration Logement (French: Housing Restoration Division)
DRLData Retrieval Language (computing)
DRLDiscothèque Régionale en Ligne (French: Regional Disco Online)
DRLDeliverable Requirements List (various organizations)
DRLData Requirement List
DRLDepartment of Residential Life (various universities)
DRLDJO Recreational League (Dark Jedi Organization; gaming)
DRLDeferred Revenue Liability
DRLDouble Random Length
DRLDarth Real Life (Star Wars fanfiction)
DRLDerived Response Level (FEMA)
DRLDate Required to Load
DRLDescent Rate Limiter
DRLDrug Reference List
DRLDispute Resolution Lawyer
DRLDivision of Reactor Licensing
DRLDiables Rouges de Lambres-Lez-Aire (French football team)
DRLDocumentation Requirements List
DRLDistributed Research Library
DRLDynamic Rate Limiting (networks)
DRLData Required to Load
DRLDepot Level Repairables
DRLDestination Restriction Level (telephone systems)
DRLDriver Record Level